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HUD published HOTMA Frequently Asked Questions 

HUD published Notice H 2024-09, extending the date Owners must be fully compliant with Sections 102 and 104 of HOTMA to July 1, 2025.


HUD's Preventing and Addressing Harassment in Housing Fact Sheet Available 

The Office of Multifamily Housing completed the update of a series forms required for Section 8 Renewals. They can be accessed through HUDCLIPS.

NSPIRE Appeals Guide Now Available



Management & Occupancy Reviews


The purpose of a Management and Occupancy Review (MOR) is to verify compliance of the property with the terms of the Housing Assistance Payments Contract and Regulatory Agreement. Owner compliance will also be verified regarding civil rights regulations, including Title VI, Title VII, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The MOR will be conducted in accordance with HUD Handbooks 4350.1 and 4350.3 REV-1.


Contract Renewals


As Section 8 Housing Assistance Payment contracts expire, owners must apply for contract renewals to continue receiving monthly voucher payments from HUD. MAM works with owners and management agents to help renew these contracts.


Rent Adjustments


HUD offers several rent adjustment types to choose from.  You should consult your Section 8 Contract to determine what rent adjustment type your project is eligible for. If your Section 8 Contract is expiring you should also consult the Renewal section to determine what option you are renewing under.


Resident Inquiries


MAM is required to respond to all resident concerns, except as provided in HUD guidelines.  Specifically, our office is directed to refrain from involvement in: disputes involving third parties, lawsuits involving residents and owners and/or management agents, eviction matters, and interpretations of local laws and ordinances.


Voucher Payments


Voucher payments and special claims are processed by our partners  PHFA (Pennsylvania) and EPS (Michigan & Hawaii).

Multifamily Asset Managers


Provide contact information or update your info on our Property Profile Sheet.  


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